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Identity and Access Management

Right access to the right people, at the right time

Identity and access management (IAM) considers the right people and job roles in an organization. It can access the tools they can use to do their prescribed job. For example, identity management and access systems enable an organization to manage employee apps without logging into each app as an administrator. Identity and access management systems allow your organization to address a range of identities, software, people, and hardware, viz., robots, and IoT devices.

IAM and its need

Companies require IAM to give online security and bring increment in the productivity of the employees.


The password is always considered the point of failure in Traditional Security methods. An organization becomes vulnerable to attack in case of password breaching and email address password recoveries. IAM services restrict the points of failure and backstop them with tools to catch mistakes when they’re made.


Once you log on to your leading IAM portal, your employee no longer has to worry about having the correct password or convenient access to deliver their duties. Every employee can access the perfect suite of tools for their job, and their access can also be observed as a group or role instead of individual allotment to reduce the workload.

Our Methodology

Identity management solutions come with two work modules,

Module 1

IAM ensures that authentication and credential database management consider the user, software, or hardware. IAM cloud identity tools are secure and flexible compared to traditional solutions, i.e., username and password.

Module 2

Identity access management systems provide a considerate level of access. IAM allows narrow slices of entry to be portioned out, i.e., viewer, editor, and commenter, in a content management system than allowing access through password and username interface.

IAM functions to tackle toughest challenges

Manage user identities

IAM systems can be the sole directory acknowledged for creating, modifying, and deleting users. It may integrate with more directories to sync with them. Identity and access management also generates new identities for users needing specialized access to an organization's tools.

Provisioning and deprovisioning users

They acknowledge tools and access levels (editor, viewer, administrator) to provide a user called Provisioning. IAM tools grant IT departments to provision users by role, department, or another grouping in consultation with the managers of that department. Since it is time-consuming to specify each individual's access to every resource, identity management systems enable Provisioning through policies based on role-based access control (RBAC). Users are assigned one or more roles based on job duties, and the RBAC IAM system automatically allows them access. Provisioning also works in reverse; to restrict security risks presented by ex-employees retaining access to systems, IAM enables your organization to remove their access quickly.

User Authentication

IAM systems authenticate a user by confirming their IdentityIdentity. Secure authentication derives its meaning as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and, commonly, adaptive authentication.

Authorizing users

Access management observes that a user is granted the exact level and type of access to a tool they're assigned. Users can also be fragmented into groups or roles so large cohorts of users can be granted the same privileges.


IAM tools generate reports after most actions on the platform (like login time, systems access, and authentication types) to assess Security risk and assure compliance.

Single Sign-On

Identity and access management solutions and single sign-on (SSO) permit users to authenticate their IdentityIdentity with one portal instead of numerous resources. Once established, the IAM system acts as the database of true IdentityIdentity for the other resources accessible to the user, removing the requirement for the user to remember several passwords.

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